School Hours
7:15 - 8:45am Before School Program | 8:40 - 8:55am Student Drop Off | 9:00 - 9:05am Opening Exercises
10:45 - 11:30am Lunch 1 and Recess | 1:10 - 1:55pm Lunch 2 and Recess
3:15pm Dismissal for Pre-School, JK and SK | 3:30pm Dismissal of Remaining Grades | 3:45 - 5:00pm After School Program
Opening Exercises Affirmation
I am kind,
I am smart,
I am full of heart.
I am capable,
I am strong,
I will conquer any challenge that comes along.
I am filled with honesty and integrity,
I will let my imagination free,
I will always try to be the best version of me.

Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision.
The Oxford School offers small class sizes, an exceptional teaching staff, and an enriched and enhanced curriculum, all in a safe and nurturing environment that supports your child reaching their full potential.
Why Choose The Oxford School?
The Oxford School maintains high academic standards and expectations. Busy families find that The Oxford School’s attention to the emotional well-being of each child, coupled with the support of strong parent-teacher relationships, is essential in providing the highest quality of education possible.
As you read more about our programming and our school, we are confident you will decide that The Oxford School is an excellent choice for you and your family.
Want to learn more?
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