Before and After
School Care
We encourage parents to book Before and After School Care in advance.
Booking forms should be submitted by the Monday prior to the start of the month. Availability of the program is on a first come first serve basis, accommodating a maximum of 15 students per day in both programs.
* Late accommodations may be available by calling the school in advance for notice/availability.
There will be no breakfast options/snacks available at this time.
Many parents have schedules that are quite different from their child’s class schedule. We offer a before and after school program for JK to G8 students who require care outside regular school hours providing flexibility to our busy families. From time to time, parents require our before and after school services, drop in fees for these services are afforded to families for this purpose.
Children may be brought to school as early as 7:15 am and remain as late as 5 pm. Light snacks will be provided during before and after school care. The after school care program is a seamless continuation of the child’s classroom experience. Parents can be rest assured that while they’re busy, their children are well-supervised within an environment that is as engaging as it is enriching.
Before School: 7:15 am – 8:45 am
After School: 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Additional Details
Before School: Cereal, fruit, juice boxes and milk will be provided.
After School: Snack bars, fruit and juice boxes will be provided.
Before School: $10 per day
After School: $10 per day
Before and After School: $15 per day
Incidental Charges
Penalty fees will be issued for early drop offs and/or late pickups.
Late Pick-up Fee: If is student is picked up after 5:00 pm, a late pickup fee will be applied to the invoice. The late pick up fee rate is billed at $1.00 per minute after 5:00pm, up to ten (10) minutes, and $5.00 per minute afterwards.
Payment Information
Before & After School Care is billed at the end of the month and you will receive an invoice via email.
Payment is to be made by the 10th of the month.
Send an e-transfer to
Mail a cheque to The Oxford School’s payment office at 969 Juliana Drive, Woodstock Ontario, N4V 1C1.
If you pay Student Tuition Fees by pre-authorized payments and you wish for the Before & After School fees to be included in the amount please notify the office.
If you have any questions please contact us at 519-421-3435, or email