Top 5 Teacher's Tips for at Home Learning


There are key areas to focus on when learning from home. Change can be scary and uncomfortable, but with these helpful hints and tips, e-learning can be a breeze.

Set up A Study Schedule

There are no set times for online classes, this flexibility is one of the great benefits of online learning, but can also be a drawback. Try to stick to your routine study schedule and avoid procrastination. Effective time-management skills are learned, and once you conquer this skill, they will benefit you throughout your life.
Review the daily or weekly schedule that your teacher has prepared for you. Develop a long-term plan for completing your major assignments, and make "To Do" list. Have fun checking things off the list as you complete them. Remember, it takes time to develop good habits, but you'll gain satisfaction from being well-organized and accomplishing your tasks.


Persistence is perhaps the biggest key to success in online learning. Students will succeed, but they will need to persevere through technical problems, seek help when needed, and persist through challenges. Start by setting up a manageable study schedule and stick to it, even after the novelty of going to school online starts to wear off. Do what you can, as long as you are trying your best and learning then you are accomplishing great things!


Effective communication skills are vital in online learning because students must seek help when they need it. Reach out using Google Classroom or Google Hangouts, teachers are here to help. Teachers and staff want to help you to succeed in your classes and will answer any of your questions. Stay connected with your teacher and classmates to keep positive and motivated!

Create a Good Study Environment

A critical component of academic success is a good study environment. You will need a quiet place to work without distractions from things like television, games and family. Consider uninstalling any computer games to avoid temptation, or keep games on a different computer in the house. Avoid mindlessly surfing the internet, it is easy to loose track of time as you wander from site to site. Let friends and family members know the hours that you will be "at" school.
Consider ergonomics, adjust the height of your chair, keyboard, and screen so that you are comfortable. Forearms and thighs should be level and parallel to the floor. Wrists should not be bent while typing. Lighting in the room should be at least as bright as the computer screen to avoid eye strain.
Don’t forget to tidy up after yourself so you have a clean work station to start each day.

Take A Break

If you need a break - take it!
- Listen to music! Use your talents to sing it out or play an instrument.
- Dance parties are always encouraged! 
- Get outside and be active.
- Remember to keep a healthy school vs. life balance. Schedule time to connect with friends! Staying connected is important for our happiness and health.