A Fond Farewell
“Unprecedented!” A word perhaps overused so far in the year 2020. The Oxford School navigated through the uncertainty of the COVID 19 pandemic with hope and determination this year. Looking back to the beginning of this school year, I fondly remember the excitement and anticipation in the eyes of our students and staff as we moved into the vibrant, wonderfully designed new facility that is The Oxford School. Together, our entire school community united to embrace the challenge of moving to The Oxford School from the comfort of Woodstock Trinity School in Innerkip. The new spacious campus, the new building with its vastly expanded learning classrooms combined with the altered protocols of our balanced day schedule would present much change. With grace and a firm grasp of the history and traditions from Woodstock Trinity School, we managed to create a nurturing, inspiring, safe and caring learning institution at The Oxford School.
Despite the unexpected halt to our school year because of the COVID 19 pandemic, The Oxford School students were able to achieve many great successes academically, socially, athletically and personally. They have had the opportunity to really challenge their abilities, develop their confidence and grow their independence under the remote learning environment they were forced to embrace. The Oxford School should be very proud of the effort and dedication the students, their families and the teachers demonstrated throughout this unfamiliar time.
Although we were not able to participate in many of the annual events and activities, sporting leagues and field trips because of the pandemic, it was impressive to see how much we accomplished during the first half of the year. Our teams represented our school with pride and class. The Oxford Hall hosted many music and theatre performances including our first public speaking contest. The staff and students took the new, much larger stage by storm to celebrate learning weekly during Friday Tea! Most recently, the online versions of Friday Tea continued to celebrate student accomplishments from home and highlighted many traditional school events remotely.
To our graduating class of 2020, we congratulate you on completing perhaps the most challenging school year of your young careers. I am fully confident that you will thrive in your debut in high school next year. The independence and growth you have achieved through your efforts to remotely accomplish the expectations of the grade 8 curriculum will serve you well in grade 9. Your contributions to The Oxford School throughout your time with us will always be remembered. Your leadership has positively impacted the rest of the student body and for that we thank you. Good luck next year!
The Oxford School will come out of this pandemic stronger and it will return to its glory because of the hard work and commitment of the people who make up our community. The staff and students and especially the parents have shown that The Oxford School will survive and indeed excel as a leader in Education in Oxford County. In future years, as we look back, 2020 will illustrate a unique record of a special year. It will be remembered as a moment in time where students, teachers and parents came together in the face of uncertainty and emerged triumphant!
Finally, I would like to thank the entire community of The Oxford School for the past 2 years of my life. It has been an experience I will never forget and I will cherish the memories for the rest of my life! From the early transition of Woodstock Trinity School from Miss Hurley last year to moving into the new facility at The Oxford School this year, words cannot describe the enjoyment I have taken from all of it. The relationships forged with students, staff, and the families; the personal growth and professional development experienced during my time as the Head of School has left a tremendous, indelible impact on me. For that I am truly blessed and forever grateful! I would like to thank Woodstock Trinity School and The Van Haeren family for giving me this opportunity. The Oxford School Wild will always have a place in my heart!
Mr. Friesen
Head of school
We wish all of the students and staff a fond farewell for another summer holiday.
This year we are saying goodbye to our head of school Mr. Friesen, and two wonderful teachers, Mrs Poirier and Mrs. Solilo
The entire staff, students and Oxford School community want to thank Mr. Friesen from the bottom of our hearts. You stepped in and stepped up during a period of great change and transition for us. You made each and every one of us feel safe and heard and worked so hard to ensure that our educational experience was impactful, individual, important and memorable. You will be remembered here at TOS for all of your hard work, dedication and kindness. We will fondly cherish the spirit days we had with you where you would wear every colour of house shirt layered up so each house felt your support. We will smile and think of you when we gather together and are called to order with a waterfall and we will continue to send positivity to one another and the world with your “Woosh”! From the bottom of all of our hearts, Thank you Mr. Friesen!
To Mrs Poirier, we sincerely thank you for giving your heart and soul to all of your students over the course of your 35 year teaching career, 20 of which we were blessed to have you with us. You will be so fondly remembered for your love of dinosaurs, the French language, bringing the natural world into your classroom and the fun ways you celebrated the 100th day of school with us. Your strong commitment to educating countless students in kindness, honesty and integrity has had a reaching and profound effect on so many students across Oxford County. You truly have dedicated your life to Woodstock Trinity and The Oxford School. You will always be one of the tremendous rocks in the foundation that this wonderful little school was built upon. We wish you luck and happiness in your retirement! Congratulations!
We want to wish Mrs. Solilo all the best as she is onto more adventures in education in the fall. We truly appreciate all of your efforts with all of the students in our reading program and your fun and meaningful contributions to our weekly tea. Thank you for sharing your love of learning with us and your friendship with all of the staff, students and families at TOS. We will miss you!

Message from Mrs Poirier
Who would have imagined, when I started my teaching career 35 years ago, that I would be finishing it in the middle of a global pandemic? My image of my last months, weeks and days of teaching certainly didn’t look like this. My expectation to “coast to the finish line in auto-pilot” after 35 years of doing this, has been totally blown out of the water. It will certainly be a memorable retirement for any of us taking that step this year.
My life has been so richly blessed by my profession. I have had the opportunity to learn from so many precious children and their wonderful families. I have had the privilege of looking into adoring eyes day after day. My heart has been so filled with love and joy that I will never be able to accurately express those feelings. These past 20 years at Woodstock Trinity / The Oxford School have been a cherished season. My life has been enriched by my association with caring and supportive administration, compassionate and encouraging (and patient) colleagues and top-notch, home-run-hitting, knock-it-out-of-the-park families. You will never know how much you all mean to me, and I leave with some of the very best memories of a deeply fulfilling career.
As the final day draws closer my emotions are heightened. I know that I will miss my “teacher life” and all of the perks that come with it. However, I am also looking forward to my many new adventures with Dan and our new dog, Gracie. It is my sincere hope that our paths will all cross again some day, somewhere. I leave with a very full and grateful heart. God bless!
Message from Mrs Solilo
When The Oxford School gave me the opportunity to join their team I was excited to try something new. Little did I know that the months to come would change me forever in such a profound way. I stepped into this beautiful building to set up a new classroom, I was so impressed and excited about the reading area with tents and a campfire, the amazing climbers outside and the collection of costumes and props backstage! Then the first day of school arrived. I felt butterflies as my nerves reminded me I was the ‘new kid’ for the first time in many many years. Would everyone like me? What if I made a mistake, got lost, or forgot everyone’s names? I greeted my new students with a smile and tried to look confident. We walked into the new Oxford Hall to congregate and hear the morning messages. Everyone looked so sharp in their fresh uniforms, excited to see old friends and meet new classmates. Then something very unexpected happened, the trumpet began to play our National Anthem and the students and staff began to sing. My eyes began to swell and joy filled my heart. I realized at that moment I was now a part of something very unique and special. Before me stood my new school family and I could not be more excited. As the calendar flipped and months went on, I got to know each student I was privileged to work with and created bonds with the other teachers. The Oxford School became home. Holidays were celebrated, challenges were overcome and new concepts were mastered. Most of all, friendships were created. As the year wraps up much differently than we expected, I am feeling the same gratitude and excitement I did back in September. It has been such an amazing experience both professionally and personally and I want to thank each staff member and family for welcoming me into your school community. To my amazing students, you are truly great humans. You have changed me forever and I will always be here for you. As I look forward to returning to my career in the public system, I do so with a renewed love for teaching and fond memories made with all of you. The Oxford School is a very special community that I will always remember with love in my heart. Thank you for all you have shared with me.