Message to TOS Students

Dear TOS Student, 

Ok, so we are learning from home - now what? This might feel pretty strange right now. You are used to arriving at school each morning and seeing your teachers and friends and now you wake up each day and login to an online Classroom to begin your learning. I have a question for you… How are you doing? I have an even bigger question for you… How are you feeling?  It’s ok to be super honest, how are you really feeling?  

We know that things feel funny right now and that maybe you hear little bits and pieces of what's happening on the news, and that this virus is making some people sick. I wonder if you are curious or worried about that. I am so glad that we are able to stay home and stay safe in our country. We are really lucky for that and I hope you can take a minute to feel lucky and safe too.   

So how is working from home going? Does it feel like a lot of work or do you feel like you need more? Do you know something, your teacher is at home right now wondering how you are doing and what he or she can do to help you even more. We want you to know that you can reach out just like when you are at school. At school, when you put your hand up you are reaching out knowing that your question will be answered. Reaching out online in a message to your teacher, in Classroom or on Hangouts, is the same thing, it just looks a little bit different. We promise it’s just like raising your hand in class, we will answer your question and deal with any concern you have. Even if it’s just to say that you miss school and your classmates, because the truth is we miss our school and all of our classmates right now too. We are here, whenever you need us and we really need you to remember that! It’s ok to speak up and say how you are feeling and it’s ok to feel like everything feels a little bit funny right now. It feels a little bit funny to all of us too.  

What else can we do to help with the stress of this situation and the pressure of learning remotely, here are a few suggestions:


Your teacher is making a weekly schedule for you, If you can print it out. That way you can check off each item as you complete it. You will feel satisfied by visually seeing the completed items, and before you know it, you will have handed in all your work or sailed through your weekly workload.


Or, if you think mom or dad needs a break - give them one! It’s ok to stand up, stretch, or get outside. Your work will wait for you for a little while until you’re feeling like you can conquer it. A fresh mind is a mind that can learn easily and we know that you are super good at learning!


Your schoolwork is important but do you know what else is important too? Being a child and finding your own fun! Dig around in your room, is there something in there you haven’t gotten out in a long time? See if you can find a game at home to play and get someone to play with you. Do something silly, sing a song that makes everyone at home laugh or break out in a really crazy dance. Take the time to be you, because you are remarkable and you get to put your own special twist on this time at home.  


When you’re feeling a little bit busy, or bored, or like you don't know what to do, do us a favour... put your hand on top of your heart. Do you feel that steady bump, bump, bump? Take a deep breath and keep feeling that bump, bump, bump, that’s you, your heart beating healthy and strong and it will carry you through this. Breathe deeply in and deeply out. You’ll get it done, we will all be able to be back together, you will pass into the next grade, you will have fun everyday, learn, and accomplish. Feel that heart beating and those steady big breaths, each and everyone of us is going to pop back out on the other side of this time with stories to tell. Go write your story and be your own star.


Kidevolve has a lot of exciting mind journeys, that will take you on a path of discovery. You are in the driver's seat, so let's see where your mind will take you! Be your own ninja, ride the waves or hit your reset button at

You can conquer anything because - you are you - and you can! Just remember to raise your hand anytime you want or anytime you have a need, we are here. We are right here - a part of your WILD pack, rooting for you, helping you, cheering for you and learning along with you. Happy Learning TOS student - we got this!

With love and learning, 
Your teachers at TOS